Night Cats

Guardian of the night
In Atlantis, healers used crystals in their work. Crystals were used as a healing channel. When healers visited faraway villages, they could not use the crystals because people distrusted them thinking they used black magic.
Since they could not use crystals, healers carried cats that performed exactly the same function as crystals, so cats have been used countless times in the healing art. Even gods who had no animal form had a sacred animal dedicated to them, which symbolized them. Among these animals, the cat was one of the most beloved, both for its fecundity and nocturnal habits, which made it the keeper of the night, the dead, and the mysteries of life and death.
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Cats have the power to daily remove negative energy accumulated in our body. While we sleep, they absorb this energy. If there is more than one person in the family, and only one cat, it can accumulate an excessive amount of negativity by absorbing energy from so many people. When they sleep, the cat's body releases the negativity it has removed from us. If we are overly stressed, they may not have enough time to release so much negative energy, and consequently it builds up as fat until they can release it. Because of this, many of them will become obese.
Cats are one of the greatest spiritual companions and through their powers has helped man fulfill his missions from ancient civilizations to the present day.
One of the cat's functions is to take care of the family and the environment by protecting and transmuting against negative energies and if you have a very strong connection with it you will notice the signs of premonitions it will try to pass. The ideal in a home is to have a dog and a cat, as the dog will help the cat, as it will act more firmly on the protections of people and environments.
The immortal cat exists, in some intermediate world between life and death, watching and waiting, passive until the moment the human spirit becomes free. Then he will lead the soul to its final repose.
(The Mythology Of Cats, Gerald & Loretta Hausman)
Although the man is 15 times the size of the cat, he has more bones in his body, has 230 bones, while the man is 206. Many are located on the tail, which when lifted, shows pride and contentment in the cat. When extended and straight, it shows that it is stalking the hunt. Curly says the cat is startled or distressed, and when shaken from side to side, it may indicate that it is angry.
The immortal cat exists, in some intermediate world between life and death, watching and waiting, passive until the moment the human spirit becomes free. Then he will lead the soul to its final repose.
(The Mythology Of Cats, Gerald & Loretta Hausman)
Although the man is 15 times the size of the cat, he has more bones in his body, has 230 bones, while the man is 206. Many are located on the tail, which when lifted, shows pride and contentment in the cat. When extended and straight, it shows that it is stalking the hunt. Curly says the cat is startled or distressed, and when shaken from side to side, it may indicate that it is angry.
    How They Act in Healing
People were not afraid of cats and allowed them to enter their homes. In this way, cats have been used countless times in the healing art. People allergic to cats are emotionally unable to love someone deeply because they suppress their true feelings. Cats are lovely creatures, and they love and respect their owners most of all, but they have a different way of loving, but it is nonetheless true.
They are great friends and companions, sweet, sweet and faithful.
They are our special little friends!
If you don't have a cat who knows now don't have one!
And if you have look at it differently. Cats night !

